167 Broadway

Bayonne, NJ 07002



Neuropsychological Evaluations

Neuropsychological Evaluations

Neuropsychological testing is used to clarify diagnoses and help individuals and families better understand the impact of their diagnosis on learning, thinking, and behavior. We help you to understand the impact of any learning disabilities, specifically dyslexia, dysgraphia, and dyscalculia. We evaluate for mood or attentional disorders and will explain the long term effects. We can help to determine if accommodations are needed for standardized testing.

Targeted recommendations are provided based upon each client’s individual needs.

A Neuropsychological Evaluation is composed of multiple components. It may include all or some of the following components depending on the reason for the referral:
  • Interview with patient, family members, school personnel if applicable
  • Review of prior records (medical, academic, developmental, etc) Thorough intake of birth and development
  • Sensory-motor functions (fine and gross motor)
    Visuospatial processes (perception and reasoning)
  • Auditory processing
  • Learning and Memory (rate of learning, visual versus verbal, long-term versus immediate)
  • Executive Functions (attention, problem solving, reasoning, capacity) 
  • Working Memory
  • Speed, Fluency, and Efficiency of Processing
  • Achievement : Reading, Writing, Math
  • Cognitive functioning

Make Appointment

Help is available for your child. Please feel free to contact us today.

To request an appointment kindly fill in the form below


Dr. Buzinkai